Data Display
These components provide a well-structured and stylized way of displaying data, and are all designed with responsiveness and accessibility in mind. By utilizing these components, developers can focus on the logic of their applications, while also ensuring that their applications have a consistent and clean user interface. These are highly customizable components that can be used to display a wide variety of data, and can be used in conjunction with other Chakra components to create a cohesive and visually appealing user interface.
The components that comprise this section are:
Badge 🔗
: A lightweight and minimalistic component that allows you to draw attention or represent a status, category, or a count of items. Badges can be customized in various colors and sizes.
Card 🔗
: A versatile component for displaying grouped content or information in an encapsulated view. It provides a great way to organize and visually separate your content.
Code 🔗
: This component is used to display inline code snippets. It's perfect for technical documentation or tutorials where you need to showcase code examples.
Divider 🔗
: As the name suggests, the Divider component is used to create horizontal or vertical lines to visually separate sections of your UI.
Kbd 🔗
: The Kbd (short for Keyboard) component is used to display keyboard inputs. It's useful in technical documents or software instructions to represent keyboard shortcuts.
List 🔗
: The List component, along with ListItem, provides an easy way to display a list of items. It supports ordered, unordered, and description lists.
Stat 🔗
: This component is designed to display statistics. It consists of four subcomponents: StatLabel, StatNumber, StatHelpText, and StatArrow, which can be combined to create a rich statistical display.
Table 🔗
: The Table component provides a way to create responsive and accessible tables. It supports several subcomponents like TableCaption, Tbody, Td, Th, Thead, Tr, etc., making it easier to structure and style your tables.
Tag 🔗
: The Tag component is similar to the Badge 🔗 but is more suited to represent categories or labels. It includes TagLabel and TagCloseButton subcomponents which make it possible to create tags with labels and optional close buttons.
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created with love by the I♥️Components team using
Special thanks to Stefan Bohacek / Generative Placeholders.