


Chakra Docs


⦾ The Box component in Chakra UI is a foundational and versatile component upon which many other Chakra UI components are built. It renders a div element by default and provides several key features that make it a powerful tool for building responsive layouts and composing new components.

Because Box is so fundamental to this design system, let's look at some of the key aspects of the component that make it important.

  • Foundation of Chakra UI: The Box component serves as the foundational element of Chakra UI. It provides a base level of functionality and styling that is inherited by all other Chakra UI components. By using the Box component as a building block, you can create consistent and cohesive designs throughout your application.
  • Flexible and Versatile: The Box component is highly flexible and versatile. It can be used to create simple or complex layouts, style individual elements, or compose new components. With its extensive range of props and style shorthand, you can easily customize the appearance and behavior of the Box component to meet your specific design needs.
  • Responsive Layouts: The Box component plays a crucial role in creating responsive layouts. By specifying its props like w (width), h (height), maxW (maximum width), maxH (maximum height), and more, you can build fluid and adaptive designs that seamlessly adapt to different screen sizes and devices. This responsiveness is essential for providing a consistent user experience across various platforms.
  • Shorthand Styling: The Box component introduces shorthand props that make styling more concise and readable. Instead of writing out long-form CSS properties, you can use shorter props like bg for background p for padding, and many more. This shorthand approach saves development time and improves code maintainability.
  • Composition and Overrides: The Box component enables component composition and overrides through the as prop. This allows you to reuse the Box component as a foundation for creating new components, while still having the flexibility to change the rendered element type. You can create custom components that inherit the Box component's base styles and functionality and extend them with specific behaviors or additional styles.
  • Developer-Friendly: The Box component is designed with developers in mind. Its intuitive API and clear documentation make it easy to understand and work with.

The Box can be imported as follows:


Basic Usage

⦾ The following is one of the most simple and straight-forward uses of the Box component. It utilizes a specified width and padding, as well as colors for the background and text.

This is a box, and to make it:

<Box bg="cyan" w="100%" p={4} color="black">


Responsive Layout

⦾ The following example demonstrates this component's responsiveness by using an array of values for the w prop. This ensures that the Box component will have a width of 100% on small screens, 50% on medium screens, and 25% on large screens. By leveraging responsive props, you can create layouts that adapt to different screen sizes seamlessly.

This is a responsive Box with the following width specified:w={["100%", "50%", "25%"]}


Shorthand Styling

⦾ In this example, we see the Box component used with its shorthand styling props. By setting bg to "cyan" and color to "black," the Box component's background color and text color are customized. The p prop adds padding, while the m prop sets margin around the Box component. Additionally, the borderRadius prop gives the Box component rounded corners with a value of md (medium).

These styles are made using shorthand props.


Box as a Button

⦾ In this example, the Box component is composed to create a custom button component. The component overrides the rendering of the Box component, rendering it as a button. It inherits the base styles from the Box component, such as the background color, text color, padding, and border radius, and adds hover styles using the _hover prop.


Complex Components

⦾ This example shows how a the simple Box component can be used in conjunction with other Chakra components to create very complex and intricate components for your UI.

Hayao Miyazaki

Hayao Miyazaki

Director, Animator, Screenwriter, Producer

Notable Works

Princess Mononoke
Spirited Away
Howl's Moving Castle
Nausicaa of the Valley of the Wind


Did you know?

Creative Idea No. 1

Gradient Background: You can create a gradient background using the Box component. This can add a visually appealing touch to your UI by applying gradients to backgrounds of various elements. The bgGradient prop is set to a linear gradient that transitions from teal.500 to blue.500, creating a horizontal gradient effect from left to right.
This Box has a gradient background!


Creative Idea No. 2

Scrollable Container:You can create a custom scrollable container using the Box component. This can be useful when you want to have more control over the scrolling behavior or create a custom scrollbar design. The overflowY prop is set to "scroll" to enable vertical scrolling. The maxHeight prop restricts the height of the container. The sx prop is used to apply custom styles to the scrollbar, such as setting its width and defining the background color and border radius of the scrollbar thumb.


In a world of fur, where wonders unfurl,
There walks a Poodle, Ragnarök, a true pearl.
With a coat of brown, he stands proud and tall,
The best dog in the world, loved by all.

His eyes sparkle with wisdom and grace,
A loyal companion, bringing joy to every place.
With each wag of his tail, hearts are beguiled,
Ragnarök, the embodiment of pure canine pride.

From playful bounds to a gentle nudge,
He showers love and never holds a grudge.
Through days of sunshine or storms that whirl,
Ragnarök endures as the best dog in the world.


Creative Idea No. 3

Overlay Modal: You can create an overlay modal using the Box component. This can be handy when you want to display a modal dialog or popover that overlays the rest of the content on the page and want to make it yourself.


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Special thanks to Stefan Bohacek / Generative Placeholders.