


Chakra Docs


⦾ The Card component is a versatile and commonly used component in the Chakra UI library. It can be used to group and display content in a clear and concise format. To use the Card component, Chakra UI provides four main components: Card, CardHeader, CardBody, and CardFooter.

Here is a brief look at each of these parts of the Card component.

  • Card: The Card itself is a container component that can house various sub-components. It can include properties like color, background, border, boxShadow, padding, and margin.
  • CardHeader: This is often the first sub-component in a Card. It typically contains the title or headline of the card and may also include an icon or image. Its layout and design can be customized with properties like fontSize, color, alignment, and more.
  • CardBody: This sub-component holds the main content of the Card. It could include text, images, lists, tables, or any other content. The layout and design of the CardBody can be customized with properties such as padding, alignment, fontSize, and color.
  • CardFooter: This is typically the last sub-component in a Card. It often contains actions related to the content of the Card, such as buttons or links. The layout and design of the CardFooter can also be customized with properties like alignment, padding, and color.

Other components that can be skillfully used with the Card component include:

  • Image: While not specific to the Card component, the Image component is often used within a Card to display relevant pictures. It can be customized with properties like size, border, shadow, and alignment.
  • Button: Again, not specific to the Card component, but the Button component is often used within the CardFooter to provide actions the user can take. These could include things like 'Add to Cart', 'Read More', 'Delete', etc.
  • Stack: This is a layout component that is often used within a Card to ensure that its content is properly spaced and aligned. It can control the direction (horizontal or vertical) and spacing of its child components.
  • ButtonGroup: When you have multiple buttons in your CardFooter, you might want to use the ButtonGroup component. It ensures that your buttons are properly aligned and spaced.
  • Text and Heading: These components are often used within the CardHeader and CardBody to display text. The Heading component is typically used for the title or headline, while the Text component is used for the main content or description.

You can design simple or complex cards based on your needs, incorporating images, actions, and sections as required. The Card component can be customized in many ways, from its border, color, and shadow to its padding and margin. By understanding these customizations and components, you can create a wide range of card-based layouts in Chakra.

These Card components can be imported as follows:


Basic Card

⦾ The Card component can be as simple or as complex as you need it to be. The most basic usage involves putting some content into the CardBody. In this example, we've created a Card with a CardBody that contains some text. This creates a simple card with padding around the text.

I am a card containing only a CardBody.


Card with Dividers

⦾ But what if you have multiple sections of content to display within a CardBody? Chakra UI allows you to add dividers between them. In the following example, we've added a CardHeader with a title. Within the CardBody, we have three sections divided by a StackDivider. This structure allows the card to present multiple sections of content in an organized manner.

Detailed Analysis


This is a summary of our findings.


These are our conclusions based on the data.


These are the details of our analysis.


Integrating Images

⦾ Sometimes, your card may need to display an image. With Chakra UI, you can easily integrate an image within the card. In the following example, we have a Card that showcases an individual. The person's image is displayed prominently at the top of the card using the Image component. The title and description of the person are included in a Stack within the CardBody, and a 'Contact' button is in the CardFooter.

Jasper Jenkins

Jasper Jenkins

Rugged rebel with a passion for whiskey and Harley Davidson motorcycles, but rarely at the same time...that would be dangerous. Construction worker by day, and party animal by night.


Card with Actions

⦾ Cards can also contain action buttons. These are typically placed in the CardFooter. In this example, the CardFooter contains a ButtonGroup with two buttons - one to view more details and another to delete the card's content.

Client Report

View a summary of all your clients over the last month.


Displaying a Card Horizontally

⦾ The horizontal layout is great at showcasing content in a visually appealing manner. With its sleek design and flexible display, this component seamlessly arranges elements. In this example, a captivating book cover accompanies a concise description, accompanied by a user interaction button.

Book Cover

Journey to the Center of the Earth

An adventurous classic where a professor and his nephew journey towards the center of the Earth and discover a whole new world.


Advanced Composition

⦾ Advanced layout cards play a vital role in modern web development, allowing developers to create visually appealing and interactive components. Chakra UI simplifies the process but still offers powerful composition capabilities. The result is a compelling and highly functional user experience. The following example demonstrates this versatility.

In this example, we have the following architectural highlights:

  • Header: contains a Flex container, combining an Avatar and information the poet. An IconButton is included for additional functionality.
  • CardBody: features a styled text describing the poet's significance
  • Expanded CardBody: contains a Flex container with a visually appealing background using a linear gradient, inside of which is an displaying a book cover relevant to the poet.
  • CardFooter: made up of a Flex container with Button components for social interactions. The buttons are evenly spaced and adorned with icons, allowing users to like, comment, and share the content.
Combined, these architectural highlights within the of the poet.

Guillaume Apollinaire

French Poet

Guillaume Apollinaire is considered one of the most important literary figures of the early twentieth century. His brief career influenced the development of such artistic movements as Futurism, Cubism, Dadaism, and Surrealism, and the legend of his personality—bohemian artist, raconteur, gourmand, soldier—became the model for avant-garde deportment...

Guillaume Apollinaire

Content courtesy of Poetry Foundation, Amazon, & Image Source.


Displaying Multiple Cards

⦾ To effectively present a variety of content items, you can utilize the flexibility of Chakra UI's SimpleGrid component or any other preferred layout method. Rendering multiple cards enables you to showcase diverse content in a structured and visually appealing manner.

The SimpleGrid component in Chakra UI offers a convenient solution for arranging cards in a grid layout. By specifying the desired number of columns and defining the spacing between cards, you can create a visually balanced grid that optimizes content organization and readability. This allows for seamless management and alignment of multiple cards within a single container.

Alternatively, you can leverage other layout methods such as Flexbox, CSS Grid, or custom CSS styles to arrange the cards according to your specific design requirements. These methods provide flexibility in terms of card placement, responsiveness, and customization, enabling you to tailor the presentation of multiple cards to your desired visual and functional outcomes.

Princess Mononoke

Watch Ashitaka's journey as he attempts to mediate the conflict between the gods of a forest and the humans consuming its resources.

Howl's Moving Castle

Follow Sophie's adventures in a world of magic as she tries to break the spell cast upon her.

Nausicaä of the Valley of the Wind

Join Nausicaä, a young princess of the Valley of the Wind, on her journey as she struggles to prevent two warring nations from destroying the planet.

Spirited Away

Experience Chihiro's quest to save her parents in a world of spirits and magic.


Centering Card Contents

⦾ The Card component in Chakra UI is designed with a default display of "flex". This inherent flex display provides a convenient way to center the content within the card. To achieve content centering, simply pass the align="center" prop to the Card component. This way, the content within the Card will be horizontally centered, ensuring a visually balanced presentation. This approach saves developers the hassle of writing additional CSS or using custom styles to achieve content centering.

Princess Mononoke

Ashitaka's journey as he attempts to mediate the conflict between the gods of a forest and the humans consuming its resources.


Card Variants

⦾ Chakra UI offers four distinct variants for cards: elevated,outline, filled, and unstyled. These variants allow you to easily customize the style of your cards to match your desired aesthetic. By using the variant prop, you can effortlessly switch between different styles for your cards.

If you choose not to specify a variant prop, Chakra UI defaults to the elevated variant. This ensures that your cards have a subtle elevation effect by default, providing a sense of depth and visual hierarchy.

The four variants:

  • elevated - gives the card a subtle elevation effect, creating a sense of depth. It adds a shadow around the card, making it appear raised above the surface it is placed on. This variant is commonly used to provide a visual distinction for important or highlighted content.
  • outline - renders the card with a border and no background color, providing a clean and minimalistic appearance. It is often used when you want to emphasize the card's boundary without adding a solid background. This variant is suitable for displaying content within a defined border.
  • filled - applies a solid background color to the card, creating a visually prominent presence. It allows you to apply a vibrant or complementary color scheme to the card's background, making it stand out from the surrounding elements. The filled variant is often used when you want to draw attention to the content within the card.
  • unstyled - removes all default styles from the card, providing a blank canvas for custom styling. It allows you to have complete control over the card's appearance by overriding its default styles with your own CSS. The unstyled variant is ideal when you want to create a card from scratch and apply custom styling without any predefined styles interfering.

Card Heading

Elevated Variant.

Card Heading

Outline Variant.

Card Heading

Filled Variant.

Card Heading

Unstyled Variant.


Card Sizes

⦾ Chakra UI offers three distinct sizes for cards, allowing you to adjust the dimensions of your cards based on your design requirements. By utilizing the size prop, you can easily change the size of a card by setting the value to one of three options: sm (small), md (medium), or lg (large).

The size prop empowers you to control the visual impact and prominence of your cards within the layout. Choosing a smaller size (sm) can be useful when you want to conserve space or display more compact card content. Conversely, opting for a larger size (lg) can help emphasize the card and its content, making it mormdinent. The medium size (md) strikes a balance between compactness and prominence, serving as a versatile option for various use cases.

Card Size: Small

Content text goes here.

Card Size: Medium

Content text goes here.

Card Size: Large

Content text goes here.


Did you know?

Creative Idea No. 1

Interactive Card: A card doesn't always have to be static. You can make your cards interactive using hover or focus effects. This can be especially useful for product display cards, user profile cards, or any scenario where you want to draw the user's attention or provide additional information. You can add interactivity to the card by changing the transform scale or color on hover or focus.

Interactive Card

Hover over me!


Creative Idea No. 2

Nested Cards: At times, you may want to display hierarchical information. Nested cards can come in handy in such cases. They can be utilized to represent threaded comments, file trees, and other structured content.

Main Card

This is a card with another card nested inside it.

Nested Card

This card is nested inside the main card.


Creative Idea No. 3

Card as a Modal: A card can also be used as a simple modal or popup. By using the right styling and combination of other Chakra UI components, you can create a popup with a Card. This can be useful for displaying additional information or actions.


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Special thanks to Stefan Bohacek / Generative Placeholders.