⦾ In Chakra UI, controlling the dimensions of a component, i.e., its width and height, is straightforward. Chakra provides utility props to adjust these dimensions as per your needs. Here is an overview:
By using these properties, you can create flexible layouts that adapt to different screen sizes and provide a great user experience.
To import the Box component used below:
width="100%" height={12}
You can use different units like em, rem, %, and px. You can also use string literals like "full" to set the width to 100%, or "auto" to let the browser calculate the width. For responsive design, you can provide an array or an object with different values for different breakpoints
As with width, you can use various units, or literals like "full" and "auto". You can also specify different heights for different breakpoints.
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Special thanks to Stefan Bohacek / Generative Placeholders.