Chakra UI: Styling
⦾ Design Tokens
: Chakra UI defines a set of design tokens such as colors, spacing, typography, and shadows. These tokens are used consistently throughout the application to maintain a cohesive visual style.
⦾ Component-based approach
: Chakra UI offers a wide range of customizable components that follow best practices and provide consistent styling out of the box. These components can be easily composed together to build complex UIs.
⦾ Utility Props
: Chakra UI introduces utility props that allow you to apply common styles directly to components without writing CSS. For example, you can set margin, padding, color, and more using intuitive prop names.
⦾ Responsive Styles
: Chakra UI provides a responsive design system, allowing you to define styles that adapt to different screen sizes. You can use breakpoint modifiers to specify different styles for various screen sizes.
⦾ Theming
: Chakra UI offers a powerful theming system that allows you to customize the design tokens and default styles according to your application's needs. You can create and extend themes to achieve a consistent and branded look.
⦾ Style Props and CSS Prop
: Chakra UI introduces style props and the CSS prop, allowing you to apply inline styles directly to components. This provides flexibility for custom styling while leveraging the benefits of the Chakra UI system.
The Chakra UI Styling system simplifies the process of styling React components by providing a robust and flexible set of tools, making it easier to build beautiful and consistent user interfaces.
These are the key aspects of the Chakra UI Styling system:
Padding & Margin 🔗
: These control the spacing around and within elements. Padding is the space inside an element, between the content and the border. Margin is the space outside an element.Color 🔗
: This covers the usage of colors in your components. Chakra UI has a preset of color palettes you can utilize, but you can also create and use your own custom colors. Gradients 🔗
: Gradients allow for smooth transitions between multiple colors. They can be applied to any property that accepts an image, such as backgrounds or borders.Typography 🔗
: This refers to text and font styling. You can control font size, weight, style, line height, letter spacing, and text color.Layout 🔗
: This pertains to how elements are arranged on the page, including how they handle width, height, and spacing.Display 🔗
: This property determines how a certain HTML element should be displayed. Common values are "block", "inline", "flex", "grid", "none", etc.Flexbox 🔗
: Flexbox is a CSS layout module designed for one-dimensional layouts. It's a powerful tool for aligning elements horizontally and vertically.Grid Layout 🔗
: This is another CSS layout style designed for two-dimensional layouts. It's ideal for designing complex web layouts.Background 🔗
: Controls the background of an element. This includes color, images, or gradients.Borders 🔗
: Determines the style of borders around elements. It includes border color, style (solid, dashed, etc.), and width.Border Radius 🔗
: Controls the roundness of borders. This can create a rounded look on elements.Position 🔗
: Determines how an element is positioned within its container. It can be static, relative, absolute, fixed, or sticky.Shadow 🔗
: Used to apply box-shadows and text-shadows on elements, providing depth to the UI.Filter 🔗
: Provides graphical effects like blurring or color shifting to an element.Pseudo Props 🔗
: These are special properties that allow you to style certain states of an element, like hover, focus, or active.The "as" Prop 🔗
: Allows you to pass an element name or a component to transform the UI component you're using to another HTML element or component while inheriting the styling and all props of the original component. For example, you could render a button as an anchor tag but maintain all the styles and props of the original button.copyright © 2023 IHeartComponents |
created with love by the I♥️Components team using
Special thanks to Stefan Bohacek / Generative Placeholders.