Components that signify loading state, such as Spinners, Progress, Circular Progress, and Skeletons, are used to inform users about ongoing processes or operations. These components help manage users' expectations during waiting periods or times of uncertainty, thereby keeping users engaged and averting potential confusion or frustration.
Components for messaging like Alerts and Toasts are key in delivering instant feedback to users about their actions or the status of the system. These components enable applications to provide relevant context about successes, warnings, errors, or general information, helping users comprehend the system's reactions to their actions.
Appropriate usage of these feedback components can make applications feel more responsive and user-oriented. They add a dynamic interaction layer that can assure users about the ongoing activities within the application, and possibly lessen perceived delays or errors.
These are the six feedback components Chakra-UI has to offer:
Alert 🔗
: Alert component is used to provide feedback based on user interactions, or system status. They may contain an optional description and can be color coded according to the severity of the message. It's possible to add actions, too.
Circular Progress 🔗
: This component is used to indicate the progress of a task that's going on in the background, typically when the percentage of completion is known. It displays a circle that gets progressively filled in a clockwise direction to show the progress of the operation.
Progress 🔗
: Similar to the Circular Progress component, the Progress component is also used to display the progress of an operation. However, instead of a circle, it uses a horizontal bar.
Skeletons 🔗
: The Skeleton component is a placeholder component that's used when the content that should be in its place is still loading. This component gives the user a visual clue that content is on the way, improving the perceived performance of the application.
Spinners 🔗
: The Spinner component is used to indicate that a task is ongoing. Unlike the Progress and Circular Progress components, Spinners do not indicate how much of the task is complete, making them more suitable for tasks where the duration is unknown.
Toast 🔗
: The Toast component is used to show brief messages or notifications to the user. These messages typically appear for a short duration, then fade out. They can be used to indicate the success, error, or status of an operation.
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Special thanks to Stefan Bohacek / Generative Placeholders.