Miscellaneous Components
These are the current components that Chakra list under "other":
CloseButton 🔗
: a simple yet essential element for user interactions. It provides a visually appealing and accessible way to close or dismiss elements such as modals, pop-ups, or alerts. The CloseButton component typically appears as an "X" symbol, allowing users to easily close the associated element and return to the main interface. Importantly, you can customize the Close Button's appearance, size, color, and behavior to match your application's design language seamlessly.
Portal 🔗
: enables you to render content outside its parent component's DOM hierarchy. This powerful feature allows you to create elements that "portal" outside their usual container, making it incredibly useful for scenarios such as modals, tooltips, or dropdown menus. By using the Portal component, you can maintain the logical structure of your code while rendering UI elements in a different part of the DOM, enhancing flexibility and facilitating more complex UI interactions.
Show / Hide 🔗
: these provide a straightforward way to toggle the visibility of elements based on a given condition or user interaction. They allow you to control the appearance and disappearance of content with smooth transitions, enhancing the user experience. With Show/Hide, you can define conditional rendering in your components, displaying or hiding content based on variables or user-triggered events. Whether you want to reveal additional information, implement collapsible sections, or create responsive layouts, theShow/Hide component simplifies the process and adds interactivity to your UI effortlessly.
Transitions 🔗
: a set of predefined animation effects that you can apply to elements when they enter or leave the screen or undergo changes in their properties. These animations add a touch of elegance and polish to your UI, making it more visually appealing and interactive. Chakra UI's Transitions components allow you to effortlessly incorporate smooth fade-ins, slide-ins, zooms, and other effects into your components, enabling seamless transitions and enhancing the overall user experience.
copyright © 2023 IHeartComponents | evanmarie.com
created with love by the I♥️Components team using
Special thanks to Stefan Bohacek / Generative Placeholders.